I learned in my first psychology course that psychology is a science, and every class I took thereafter and in my dissertation research for my doctorate degree at Florida State University affirmed the importance of the scientific traditions and methodologies for all aspects of psychology. This emphasis has guided my professional activities in developing evidence-based applications in health psychology. I have published in the psychology literature, and much of my work is in pain psychology which relies heavily on neuroscience and biological psychology research.  I have served as Associate Editor of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, an APA scientific and professional journal which provides research-based resources for educators, researchers, trainees, and applied psychologists. 

I recently participated in the development of the APA Strategic Plan as I hope many members of the science divisions did. This emphatic statement of APA priorities strongly endorses the advancing of psychological science within its primary mission.  If elected President of APA, I would advocate for funding for basic and applied research and lead efforts to fulfill this mission–just as I do currently as co-chair of the Advocacy Coordinating Committee, and as I did while serving on the APA Board of Directors.

I intend to continue my advocacy for the science divisions in enhancing their contributions and representation in the structure of APA, through the Science Directorate, in the Board of Scientific Affairs and each of the boards and committees, in the Board of Directors, and within the Council of Representatives.