Division 56 – The Division of Trauma Psychology

How does your agenda for APA fit with the values and agenda of Division 56 (most of whom are trauma therapists and trauma scientists)? The theme of my campaign is: Education, Science, Practice and Public Interest: United to benefit society and improve people’s lives. ...

APA Public Interest Caucus

Summarize how your CV demonstrates your commitment to the public interest, generally, and to social justice specifically.  You may choose to include: research, publications, public service, advocacy and APA governance activities related to public interest issues. In...

APA Women’s Caucus

Please describe in detail and with specificity how you have demonstrated in the past, and/or currently, your support for women using the above criteria. I serve on the Advisory Committee of the Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology (LIWP), whose mission is to...

National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology

1) What are your views regarding training models in professional psychology (e.g., scholar-practitioner, scientist-practitioner)? What are the most pressing issues in the education of professional psychologists? The Education and Training Community has worked...